China a major destination of U.S. wine exports

On Behalf of | Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized

Given the large size of the Chinese market, it can be a major target of U.S. exports. There are all kinds of businesses here in the U.S. that export their products to China. A recent report on the U.S. wine industry indicates that, in recent times, China has seen a good deal of that industry’s exports.

The report is from the Wine Institute, an industry advocacy group. The report looked at U.S. wine exports in 2016. According to the report, the revenue from such sales came in at $1.62 billion that year. This is the highest dollar value of exports the U.S. wine industry has ever had in a year.

The topic of U.S. wine exports is a particularly relevant one here in California, as the vast majority of such exports come from here. According to the report, of all the cases of U.S. wine involved in such sales last year, around 90 percent were from California.

The report indicated that one of the things that drove the increase in international sales of U.S. wine in 2016 was a big boost in sales in China. According to the report, $181 million worth of U.S. wine exports were made to China and Hong Kong. This accounts for over 10 percent of 2016’s U.S. wine exports and made China one of the top destinations for such exports that year.

One wonders what 2017 will be like when it comes to U.S. wine exports to China and what impact this will have on wine producers here in California.

When a California company is exporting wine or other products to China, or engaging in other business endeavors regarding China, many important legal issues can come up for it. Legal matters related to doing business in China or dealing with business disputes in China can be particularly complex ones for a U.S. business. So, when engaging in business in China, a U.S. company may want guidance from an attorney skilled in dealing with the legal issues unique to such business endeavors.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Wine exports set record, led by California labels,” Geoffrey Mohan, Feb. 14, 2017